The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2025)

I THE KINGSTON WHIG-STANDARD, FRIDAY. JANUARY 25, 1929. PLAYS A PRETTY KNIFE AND FORK Since "Fruit a tives" Brought Relief From Indigestion MRS. WHITE It looks like magic- the way a wealth health floods the almost, body under the healing influence of Indigestion, Gas and Pain Constipation after Eating. simply disappear.

Headaches As Mrs. E. White of West Toronto, states: "I suffered from Indigestion for months and could not eat a square meal. Since taking every trace of Stomach Trouble has disappeared. now eat anything and feel like new person." "Fruit-a-tives" will quickly re.leve Indigestion and Dyspepsia.

25c. a dealers everybox where. Beware of Bladder Weakness Getting- Disturbed Rest Undermines Health, Saps Vitality, States Physician Who Recommends Home Treatment Mon and women who are constantly annoyed and distressed by Bladder Weakness or Urinary Irritations should take immediate steps to combat their trouble before it reaches a lous or perhaps dangerous stage! Backaches. Headaches, pains in feet and legs, nervousness. restlessness.

frequent bot scanty urination with burning and pain, nights -these are some of the more troublesome signs of Bladder Weakness or Irritation that should have prompt attention. No matter how stubborn your case may seem to be or how many different medicines you have tried without success- don't give up. and think your case hopeless or the natural consequence of advancing years, til you have tried the special private prescription of Dr. Southworth. a physician of nearly 50 years successfut experience.

In order to reach the many thousands who cannot come to his office. Dr. Southworth has placed his URATABS in good, local drug stores and invites you to try them without risk of cost, unless pleased. If URATABS bring you swift and certain comfort von will be hanny. If they do not satisfy.

they will cost you nothing- so. if you need this grand. medicine. try It today! All good druggists. THROAT TICKLE is no laughing matter.

It means a cold! And to millions that instantly suggests taking Grove's BROMO QUININE LAXATIVE TABLETS Ask for Orange Sherbet In bricks Masoud's 238 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 980. Why? IS LIFE SAVERS "take your breath away" (watch for answer) SAVERS THE CANDY MINT WITH THE HOLE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS AL KIDNEY DISEASE BLADDER KACHE EASER 4087 RHEUMATISM THE Radio Doings FRIDAY, JANUARY 25. Henry Burr, noted tenor and recording artist will be the guest sol. olst tonight at 7. Eastern standard time, Several selections by the liers' quartette, well AN AB or chestral concert will also be.

beard on the program, which in broadcast through Station WEAK. New York: WEEI, WLIT. Philadelphia: WRC. Washington: WaR. Buffalo; WCAE.

Pittsburgh: WTAM. Cleveland: WWJ. Detroli: KYW. Chicago: KAD. St.

Louis: wow. Omaha: WD. AF, Kansas City: VOO, Tulsa: WF. AA. Dallas: KOA, Denver: WoG.

Davenport the Five-Fifteen." "CaNy Jones." "When the Midnight ChooChoo Leaves for Alabama" and other "railroad" compositions will be heard tonight when the "Then and Now" hour is presented at 8.30. Eastern standard time. Numerous other varleties of entertainment will be heard on network. which Includes stations Newark: WOAU, Philadelphia: WNAC. Boston: WEAN, Providence: WFBI.

Svracuse: AK. Buffalo: WCAO, Baltimore: JAS, Pittaburgh: WADC. Akron: KRC. Cincinnati: WGHP, Detroit: W. MAQ.

Chicago: WOW0, Fort Wayne: KMOX. St. Louis: KMBC. Kansas City: KOIL Counell Bluffs: Toledo: WHK, Cleveland: WLBW. Oil City and WMAL, Washington, Songs of friendship will be sung tonight when the members of the Music Album family make their appearance before the microphone of Station KOA.

Denver, at 11, Central standard time. "My Buddy," "Friend Mine." "Oh. What a Pal Was Mary" and others of that type will be sung. A contest to select the five best old fiddlers in the territory South of the Missouri River for entrance in the 1929 championship competition, will be conducted tonight at 8.10, Central standard time from Station WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. The Emory Alumni Association of Emory University will stage its annual broadeast tonight at 9.30.

Centrail standard time, through Station WEB, Atlanta, Many prominent speakers and popular musical units will be heard during the hour's gram. Music of New York's "golden age" before the war will be featured tonight at 9.30. Eastern standard time. Victor Herbert's "The Prima Donna" and "Princess Pat." Hoschna'8 "Mad. ame Sherry" and other operettas will provide the selections to be sung by Jessica Dragonette and Colin Moore, heard through Stations WIZ.

New York: WBZ. Springfield: A. Boston: WBAL. Baltimore: WHAM. Rochester KDKA, Pittsburgh W- JR.

Detroit: WLW. Cincinnati: KYW. Chicago: KWK. St. Louis: WREN.

Kansas City: WTM.J. Milwaukee: K- OA, Denver: WHAS. Louisville: SM. Nashville: WMC. Memphis; Atlanta: WBT.

Charlotte: WFAA. Dallas: KPRC. Houston: WOAL. San Antonio: WSTP. St.

Paul, and the Pacific Coast network. Two programs of diverse nature will be presented to radio audiences this afternoon and by Rochester musical organizations, At 3.20 p.m. Eastern standard time, the fainous Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra will broadcast a concert through Stations WHAM. Rochester: WGY. Schenectady and WMAK.

Butfalo. At 12, midnight, the University of Rochester Rag Pickers' Orchestra will broadcast through Station WGR, Buffalo More harmony by Fort Worth's guardiang of the peace will be heard tonight at 9.45, Central standard time, when the Police Quartette broadcasts through Station WBAP of that city. "Carmen" will be the opera which furnishes the theme tonight for the "Great Moments in Great Operas broadcast from Station WGN. Chicago, at 9, Central standard time. String music galore will resound over the microphone from Station W- ern standard time, when the ColumCAM Columbus, 0., tonight at 9.

Eastbus Banjo Band presents a varied concert, The roles played by the trombone and tuba will make up half of the program devoted to younger listeners, and the horn and trumpet the half for more mature minds today when Walter Damrosch presents his weekly 1 lecture-concert at 11 a.m.. Eastern standard time, through Stationg WJZ. New York and others on the NBC network. CFCA (357), Toronto, 12.30 noon- Time, weather, news and stocks. 1 p.m.

-Recording hour. 5 p.m. -Recording hour 06 p.m. Stocks, news and weather. 6.30 p.m.- Time.

7 7.15 -Talk. -Musical p.m.- program. 8.15 p.m. -Program by the Toronto Girl Guides. 9 p.m.

-Time. 10.30 p.m. -Reunion of the Huron Old Boys from the Temple building, CKGW (312), Toronto. 6 p.m. -Mining market report.

6.15 p.m.--News and weather forecast. 6.30 p.m. -Musical program. 6.45 p.m. -Musical program.

7 p.m.- -Orchestra. 11 p.m. Romanelli and His Radio Syncopators. 12 p.m. -Late news and time signals.

CFRB (312). Toronto, 12.25 p.m. -Health talk. 12.30 p.m. -Studio program.

p.m. -Correct time. 1 p.m. -Mining quotations. 1.15 p.m.- Grain quotations.

5.15 p.m. -Studio program. 5.30 p.m.-Mining quotations. 5.45 p.m. -Grain quotations.

5.50 p.m. -Theatre entertainment. 5.50 p.m. -Correct time. SATURDAY.

JANUARY 26. Prominent persons in all walks of life will be heard today when the National Board of Review holds a luncheon-conference conjunction with its twentieth, anniversary. Among those who will be on the air during the broadcast, which begins at 2 p.m., Eastern standard time, are Mayor James J. Walker of New York, Rev. S.

Parkes Cadman, Congressman Loring Black. Dr. George Kirschway. former warden of Sing Sing, Anita Loos, David W. Griffith.

Richard Dix Monte Bell. Sophie Kerr, Ina Claire, and many others The speeches and entertainment will be heard through Stations WABC. New York: WCAU. Philadelphia: WMAQ. Chicago: WOWO.

Fort Wayne: KOIL, Council Bluffs: WSPD. Toledo: WHK, land: KMBC. Kansas City, and other stations. The territory of Alaska. will be the high spot touched upon tonight in the weekly "Photologue" broadcast from Station WMAQ.

Chicago. Governor Parks of the far-north section of the United States will tell attractions of his country during the broadcast. Two selections from Saint-Saens' little known opera, "Henry as well as selections by Beethoven. Berlioz and Dvorak, will be played for nation-wide audience tonight the National Orchestra with Walter Damrosch as guest conductor. The broadcast, at 8, Eastern standard time, will be heard through Stations WEAK.

New York: WEEl. Boston: WTIC. Hartford: WCSH. Portland; WFI, Philadelphia: WRC. Washington: WGY.

Schenectady: WGR. Butfalo: WCAE. Pittsburgh: WWJ. Detroit: KSD. St.

Louis: wOW Omaha: KOA. Denver: WHAS. Louisville: W- TAM. Cleveland: KSL. Salt Lake City: KYW.

Chicago and the Pacific Coast chain, "In Springhill Garden of Music." presenting such theme songs as "In the Shade of the Old Ample Tree." Song." "Whispering Flowers' and others, will be heard at 9. Eastern standard time tonight through Station WLW. Cincinnati Another broadcast of messages and music to the Arctic and Antarctic re- I zions will go out over tie ether WAVeR tonight at 11 p.m.. Eastern OUT OUR WAY GO ON NOW DEAR, 1 WANT WOU TO GO TO PLAY PLAY AND GET PLENTY WHUT OF EXERCISE, 1- HEROES ARE MADE NOT BORN. REG.


standard time, through Stations WE2. Springfield and, WBZA, Boston. Artists heard regularly on evenin programs will be featured today at 3.30, Eastern standard time. Frank Black. pianist-composer.

vocal and instrumental soloists and the RCA dance, salon and little symphony orchestras will take part in the program. to be heard through Stations WJZ. New York: WBZ. Springfield: WBZA. Boston: WHAM.

Rochester: KDKA, Pittsburgh; WLW. Cineinnati: Detroit: KYW. Chicago; KWK. St. Louis: WRC, Washington; WTMJ.

Milwaukee: KSTP. St Paul: wow. Omaha: WDAF. Kansas City: KV00. Tulsa: WHAS, Louisville: W.

FAA, Dallas: KPRC. Houston: KOAI. San Antonio: WMC. Memphis: W- SB, Atlanta: WBT. Charlotte: KOA, Denver and Davenport.

Military music will be presented. from Station wow. Omaha, at 8. Central standard time, tonight when the American Legion Band of Omaha Post No. 1 appears before the microphone.

Six hours of radio entertainment and production features will be presented through Station KMBC. Kan888 City tonight, beginning at 8, Central standard time, in observance of the first anniversary of the Farm and Home programs through that station. The Kansas City Swiss Yodelers. a popular orchestra, string ensemble, male quartette, zither soloist and numerous other features will be heard. A radio adaption of Charles Burkes "Rip Van Winkle" based on Washington Irving's story, will be presented by a professional cast tonight at 10.15.

Eastern standard time, through Station WJZ. New York, A play-by-play description of the ice hockey contest between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Chicago Blackhawks of the National Hockey League will be heard tonight at 9.05. Eastern standard time through Station CFCA. Toronto, "Dusky Stevedore," a current Broadway hit, will be one of the novelties to be presented tonight when the weekly coast-to-coast broadcast of dance music goes on the air at 10. Eastern standard time.

Waltz, fox trots, two-steps and others will be included in the presentation. to be heard through Stations WEAF. New York: WHO, Des Moines: WSB. Atlanta: WDAF, Kansas City: WFAA. Dallas: WHAS, Louisville: WGR.

Buffalo: WGN. Chicago: KSD. St. Louis: KPRC. Houston: WSB.

Atlanta: WBT. Charlotte; WTAM. Cleveland; WWJ. Detroit and others. CFCA (357).

Toronto. 12.30 noon- -Time, weather, and stocks. 6. -Stocks, news and weather. 6.30 p.m.- Time.

7 p.m. -Musical program. 9.p.m. Time. 9:05 -Summary of the first 01 the second and last periods of the period and play by play description Toronto Maple Leafs-Chicago Black Hawks N.H.L.

game direct from the Arena: also dance program. CKGW (312). Toronto. 6 p.m. -Market report.

6.15 p.m. -News and weather forecasts, 6.30 p.m. -Musical program. 6.45 p.m. -Musical program.

7 p.m. -Time signals. CFRB (312), Toronto. 12.55 Health turk. 1 p.m.

-Correct time. p.m. -Mining quotations. 1.15 p.m. -Grain quouations 5.30 p.m.

-Mining quotations. 5.45 p.m. -Grain quotations. 5.50 p.m.- Theatre entertainment. 5.50 p.m.

-Correct time. 7.15 p.m. -Dinner inusic. 8 p.m. -Favorite songs.

-Correct time. 9 p.m. -Alexander Lind, violinist, Maldwyn Brazell, tenor, Alberto Guerrero, pianist. 10 p.m. -Wade's old time dance.

11.15 p.m.- Organ recital. PAYS ATTENTION TO REPLY OF U.S. British Foreign Secretary Replies to Question in the House of Commons LONDON, Jan. 24. Asked in the House of Commons last evening whether he had paid attention to the last letter of the United States government in which the door was left open for further naval disarmament negotiations, Sir Austen Chamberlain, secretary of foreign affairs, replied.

yes. I have paid great attention to all parts of the reply of the United States government." He added that the question of further steps to secure an understanding on naval disarmament was still under consideration. The letter to which reference was made was in connection with the British government's white paper on the Geneva conference. Damages of $5,000 were awarded Mrs. Mary Wray, Indianapolis, against drug store for selling polson to eighteen-year-old son on request of boy's father.

Father then comntitted suicide. SHORT, EASY WORDS 19. King. 21. Frozen water.

22. Sailor. 23. Unit. 25, Sun.

26. Mortar tray, 27. Before: 30. Stream. 31.

Asp. 33. To repulse, 35. Employer. 36.

Inspired reverential fear. 38. Eucharist vessel. 39. Twitching.

40. Pen. 42. Possessed. 43.

Prophet who trained Samuel. 44. Flightless ratite bird. This easy puzzle will make up for yesterday's "tough one." None of the words has more than five letters. 10 13 18 20 22 25 26 28 29 30 33 36 37 38 39 40 42 146 48 49 50 HORIZONTAL 10.

Era. Distant 11. Thigh bone, 5. Eccentric wheel. 18.

Fluted narrow ruffle. Shaped mass of sugar. Region. Beer. Brim, Dark red vegetable, Title of courtesy.

To opine. Elevation of the bodily temperature. Austerity. Guide in a theatre. Round and tapering too a point.

Bottom part of a room. Insurgent. Officer of a church. Resembling the moon. Tanner's vessels.

Fiber used cordage. Serrated instrumenting To eject. To piece out. Plant from which a bitter drug is derived. Spirited or spicy.

Carmine. Face of a clock. VERTICAL. Work. Native metal.

Born. Natural channel between sand banks. Box. Swarming. Nothing more than, Guided.

Type of poem. FORTY LIVES LOST WHEN VESSEL SANK Captain and 19 of Crew Drifted in Open Boat Till Rescued SHANGHAI, Jan. lives were lost in the sinking of the Chinese steamer Hongchong, formerly the German ship Sandakan, it was learned today when twenty survivors arrived here. The vessel, enroute from Tsingtao to Shanghai with a cargo of coal, sprang a leak during a gale when 100 miles from this port on Monday. The chief officer and nineteen members of the crew drifted in an open boat for two days without food.

They were picked up by a junk and brought to Shanghai today. NEWBORO' Newboro' Jan. -There has been no service in St. Mary's Church the past two Sundays, owing to the illness of the rector, Rev. S.

T. Harrington. Arthur Lyons has secured a position with S. K. Bresee of Syracuse, N.Y.

Owing to the heavy rains of the past week putting the rink in such a bad shape, the scheduled games of hockey had to be postponed. Mrs. M. A. Foster is improving in health, much to the satisfaction of her many friends.

Mrs. George Bilton is still confined to her room and not much improvement is noted in her condition. Mrs. James Lyons was called to Athens last week, owing to the 111- ness of her son-in-law, Arthur ford, who is now improving. The boys had a fine time fishing Made by Murray for the SAD ROOF -ALEXANDER Murray- The New Plug in Victor Radio is technically NORTH THE New: Victor (plug in) radio receiver is of such design that it will answerIthe most exacting requirements.

Technicians who view it attest that it is the most expertly designed, electrically. and mechanically, of anything they have seen. That is, of course, a natural thing to expect from a company renowned, as builders of highest quality reproduction. Advanced features of the New Victor Radio are: Chassis of aluminium. Operates from house current, plug in.

Requires less current than consumed by single reading lamp. Single dial, electrically lighted. Uses practically HIGHBOY MODEL any length antenna, inside or outside. Scien-, Dealers are offering this de Authorized Victor Radio: tifically armored and shielded. Volume luxe figured walnut cabinet with specially sliding designed door for panels, them without distortion, through special hook up: with super electro dynamic Radio complete with all speaker.

the New Victor The model featured is the famous Victor tubes, and "plug in" cord for Table Model, in Walnut. Sold by Victor, $485 Radio Dealers with complete set of eight. tubes and "plug cord for only' $100. Victor Talking Machine Company PRIMAL LOCUST POLO HO ICON LAND PAR DELICATE GOWN NOTE CELL 5 OGRE LOLL BRED HERA BIAS VEGETATE ELL CARS IRON EL ROSE NILE TYRANT IDEALS 1-24 through the ice and some good catches were reported. Mr.

Jack Knowlton bad the misfortune to fall in the lake through the ice effects recently. after the He cold suffered bath. 110 Mr. J. F.

Williams has secured a job at Parham. Fred Knapp has returned home from his work on the bridge and building gang. The first annual school meeting met with the new staff of trustees. Much business of importance was done. HARTINGTON Hartington, Jan.

25. -The funeral of the late John Hill, was held on Wednesday from the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. Sigsworth, where he passed away Monday evening, after an illness of five weeks. The remains were placed in the vault at Verona to await, burial in the family, plot Piccadilly, He three children, Minerva Sigsworth, Anna Simpson, Ottawa, William Hill, Smith's Falls and five grandchildren two sisters, Mrs.

Ann Godfrey, Keewatin, and Mrs. Edward Roach, Haileybury. Mr. and Mrs. W.

Murphy attended the funeral of their niece, Agnes Brewer, in Kingston on Monday. Pearl Ruttan left for Niagara Falls to accept a position. Richard Whitty has returned from the hospital where he underwent an operation. Salome Goslin is home from Rochester, N. Y.

Gordon Moore has gone to Detroit. Gordon Babcock has returned to Niagara Falls, ADOLPHUSTOWN Adolphustown, Jan. still the question is, "when will we get sleighing?" A great deal of teaming is waiting for favorable roads. The downpour on Friday night carried away what snow there was, and overflowed the road in many places, but no serious damage is reported. Wheeling 16 good as all holes are of Canada.

Limited LOWBOY MODEL Authorized Victor Radio Dealers are showing this popular figured walnut con sole specially designed for them, with Victor Speaker, HIS MASTER'S VOICE the New Victor Radio, all tubes complete, and plug. cord for only under patents of the Radio Frequency Laborsiones In. $285 RB of present owners bought Victor Radio for Victor-tone-Victor reputation -Victor appearance COMPLETE STOCK OF VICTOR RECORDS, VICTROLAS AND RADIOS ALWAYS ON HAND McGALL'S VICTROLA AND RADIO SHOP "Where the Clock Is On The Walk" Open evenings. Phones 811-2875. FOR VICTOR RADIO, GO TO CANADA RADIO! Experienced, exclusive Radio Service- liberal allowance on your present Radio.

Easy terms on the balance. CANADA RADIO STORES 269a PRINCESS STREET 'PHONE 1-2-0-7. filled with ice. Owing to the illness of Rev. J.

A. Plant no service was held in the United Church last Sunday, and Rev. J. E. Beckel of Bay circuit conducted funeral of the late Wilmott Hart last Thursday.

S. S. No. 2 was closed last week on account of the illness among the pupils. Last term was broken up by measles and whooping cough, and now mumps have appeared in the section.

The January meeting of the Lad- Mr. J. B. Allison is convalescing at the home of his son, A. W.

Allison. PRESCOTT CONTRACT LET OTTAWA, Jan. -A contract has been left to Thunder Bay Harbor Improvement Co. of Wil-: liam for construction of a wharf and foundation for a terminal elevator at Prescott. Ont.

The tender was for $500,000, and was the lowest submitted. DEATH OF HEAVY MAN ST. JOHN'S Jan. -OdilIon Vadeboncoeur, prominent hotel owner and the heaviest man in the district, died Wednerday at the age of 58 yeare, He weighed 384 pounds. LATE H.

D. CANTLON MONTREAL, Jan. D. Cantlon, vice- president and director of the advertising firm of Cockfield, Brown and Company, Limited, died here Wednesday at the age of 45 yeare. He was born in Mitchel Ont..

The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2025)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.